Novafen is an existing nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication for adults produced by Pharmanova. Novafen comes in the form of a tablet; where the main active ingredient is Ibuprofen.
Novafen Gel is a topical analgesic and anti-inflammatory for adults, and Novafen for Children is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic that comes in the form of a syrup.
Taking inspiration from the Novafen brand and its market landscape, Amanda created the typographic logos, packaging design, and illustrations for Novafen Gel and Novafen for Children.
The primary logo font and diagonal shapes on the packaging portray the fast action of the product; whilst the friendly, organic cursive script and illustrations indicate its soothing gel aspect.
The soothing blue hues and gradients used for the brand show pain relief, in contrasting to the bright red to indicate areas on the body where the product can assist in treating pain.

The above look and feel was extended to tie into the Novafen for Children packaging so that there was a clear enough link between the products; whilst also clearly indicating that one is for children.
The combination of fonts, colours, organic shapes, and childlike illustrations carefully represent a product that reflects the playfulness of a child, with blue hues to indicate pain relief.